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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1300 - 1399]    RFC 1315: Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs
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RFC 1315:
Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs


Network Working Group                                           C. Brown
Request for Comments: 1315                Wellfleet Communications, Inc.
                                                                F. Baker
                                        Advanced Computer Communications
                                                             C. Carvalho
                                        Advanced Computer Communications
                                                              April 1992

            Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs

Status of this Memo

   This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.
   In particular, it defines objects for managing Frame Relay.

Table of Contents

   1. The Network Management Framework ............................    2
   2. Objects .....................................................    2
   2.1 Format of Definitions ......................................    3
   3. Overview ....................................................    3
   3.1 Frame Relay Operational Model ..............................    3
   3.2 Textual Conventions ........................................    3
   3.3 Structure of MIB ...........................................    3
   4. Definitions .................................................    4
   4.1 Data Link Connection Management Interface ..................    4
   4.2 Circuit Table ..............................................    9
   4.3 Error Table ................................................   14
   5. Acknowledgements ............................................   17
   6. References ..................................................   17
   7. Security Considerations......................................   18
   8. Authors' Addresses...........................................   19

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

1.  The Network Management Framework

   The Internet-standard Network Management Framework consists of three
   components.  They are:

   RFC 1155 which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for describing
   and naming objects for the purpose of management.  RFC 1212 defines a
   more concise description mechanism, which is wholly consistent with
   the SMI.

   RFC 1156 which defines MIB-I, the core set of managed objects for the
   Internet suite of protocols.  RFC 1213 defines MIB-II, an evolution
   of MIB-I based on implementation experience and new operational

   RFC 1157 which defines the SNMP, the protocol used for network access
   to managed objects.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

2.  Objects

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [7]
   defined in the SMI.  In particular, each object has a name, a syntax,
   and an encoding.  The name is an object identifier, an
   administratively assigned name, which specifies an object type.  The
   object type together with an object instance serves to uniquely
   identify a specific instantiation of the object.  For human
   convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the OBJECT
   DESCRIPTOR, to also refer to the object type.

   The syntax of an object type defines the abstract data structure
   corresponding to that object type.  The ASN.1 language is used for
   this purpose.  However, the SMI [3] purposely restricts the ASN.1
   constructs which may be used.  These restrictions are explicitly made
   for simplicity.

   The encoding of an object type is simply how that object type is
   represented using the object type's syntax.  Implicitly tied to the
   notion of an object type's syntax and encoding is how the object type
   is represented when being transmitted on the network.

   The SMI specifies the use of the basic encoding rules of ASN.1 [8],
   subject to the additional requirements imposed by the SNMP.

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

2.1.  Format of Definitions

   Section 4 contains contains the specification of all object types
   contained in this MIB module.  The object types are defined using the
   conventions defined in the SMI, as amended by the extensions
   specified in [9,10].

3.  Overview

3.1.  Frame Relay Operational Model

   For the purposes of understanding this document, Frame Relay is
   viewed as a multi-access media, not as a group of point-to-point
   connections.  This model proposes that Frame Relay is a single
   interface to the network (physical connection) with many destinations
   or neighbors (virtual connections).  This view enables a network
   manager the ability to group all virtual connections with their
   corresponding physical connection thereby allowing simpler
   diagnostics and trouble shooting.

3.2.  Textual Conventions

   Several new data types are introduced as a textual convention in this
   MIB document.  These textual conventions enhance the readability of
   the specification and can ease comparison with other specifications
   if appropriate.  It should be noted that the introduction of the
   these textual conventions has no effect on either the syntax nor the
   semantics of any managed objects.  The use of these is merely an
   artifact of the explanatory method used.  Objects defined in terms of
   one of these methods are always encoded by means of the rules that
   define the primitive type.  Hence, no changes to the SMI or the SNMP
   are necessary to accommodate these textual conventions which are
   adopted merely for the convenience of readers and writers in pursuit
   of the elusive goal of clear, concise, and unambiguous MIB documents.

   The new data types are Index and DLCI.  Index refers to the range
   1..ifNumber, and is used to establish the correspondence between
   ifEntries and Frame Relay Interfaces.  DLCI refers to the range
   0..DLCINumber, and is used to refer to the valid Data Link Connection
   Indices.  DLCINumber is, by definition, the largest possible DLCI
   value possible under the configured Q.922 Address Format.

3.3.  Structure of MIB

   The MIB is composed of three groups, one defining the Data Link
   Connection Management Interface (DLCMI), one describing the Circuits,
   and a third describing errors.

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

   During normal operation, Frame Relay virtual circuits will be added,
   deleted and change availability.  The occurrence of such changes is
   of interest to the network manager and therefore, one trap is
   defined, intended to be corollary to the SNMP "Link Up" and "Link
   Down" traps.

4.  Definitions


                     FROM RFC-1212
                     FROM RFC1213-MIB
                     FROM RFC-1155
                     FROM RFC-1215;

     --  Frame Relay DTE MIB

     frame-relay     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 32 }

     --      the range of ifIndex
     Index ::= INTEGER       -- 1..ifNumber

     --      the range of a Data Link Connection Identifier
     DLCI ::= INTEGER        -- 0..DLCINumber

     --  Data Link Connection Management Interface

     --      The variables that configure the DLC Management Interface.

     frDlcmiTable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF FrDlcmiEntry
         ACCESS   not-accessible
         STATUS   mandatory
            "The Parameters for the Data Link Connection Management
            Interface for the frame relay service on this

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

            "Draft American National Standard T1.617-1991, Annex D"
         ::= { frame-relay 1 }

         frDlcmiEntry OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   FrDlcmiEntry
             ACCESS   not-accessible
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The Parameters for a particular Data Link Con-
                nection Management Interface."
            INDEX { frDlcmiIfIndex }
            ::= { frDlcmiTable 1 }

         FrDlcmiEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {

         frDlcmiIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Index
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The ifIndex value of the  corresponding  ifEn-
            ::= { frDlcmiEntry 1 }

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         frDlcmiState OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX INTEGER {
                 noLmiConfigured (1),
                 lmiRev1         (2),
                 ansiT1-617-D    (3),  -- ANSI T1.617 Annex D
                 ansiT1-617-B    (4)   -- ANSI T1.617 Annex B
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "This variable states which Data  Link  Connec-
                tion Management scheme is active (and by impli-
                cation, what DLCI it uses) on the  Frame  Relay
               "Draft American National Standard T1.617-1991"
           ::= { frDlcmiEntry 2 }

         frDlcmiAddress OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                         q921           (1),  -- 13 bit DLCI
                         q922March90    (2),  -- 11 bit DLCI
                         q922November90 (3),  -- 10 bit DLCI
                         q922           (4)   -- Final Standard
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable states which address  format  is
                in use on the Frame Relay interface."
            ::= { frDlcmiEntry 3 }

         frDlcmiAddressLen OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                     two-octets (2),
                     three-octets (3),
                     four-octets (4)
             ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS  mandatory
                "This variable states which address  length  in
                octets.  In the case of Q922 format, the length
                indicates the entire length of the address  in-
                cluding the control portion."

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

            ::= { frDlcmiEntry 4 }

         frDlcmiPollingInterval OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER (5..30)
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "This is the number of seconds between  succes-
                sive status enquiry messages."
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.617-1991,
               Section D.7 Timer T391."
           DEFVAL { 10 }
           ::= { frDlcmiEntry 5 }

         frDlcmiFullEnquiryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..255)
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "Number of status enquiry intervals  that  pass
                before  issuance  of a full status enquiry mes-
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.617-1991,
               Section D.7 Counter N391."
           DEFVAL { 6 }
           ::= { frDlcmiEntry 6 }

         frDlcmiErrorThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..10)
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "This  is  the  maximum  number  of  unanswered
                Status Enquiries the equipment shall accept be-
                fore declaring the interface down."
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.617-1991,
               Section D.5.1 Counter N392."
           DEFVAL { 3 }
           ::= { frDlcmiEntry 7 }

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         frDlcmiMonitoredEvents OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..10)
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "This is the number of status polling intervals
                over which the error threshold is counted.  For
                example, if within 'MonitoredEvents' number  of
                events  the  station  receives 'ErrorThreshold'
                number of errors, the interface  is  marked  as
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.617-1991,
               Section D.5.2 Counter N393."
           DEFVAL { 4 }
           ::= { frDlcmiEntry 8 }

         frDlcmiMaxSupportedVCs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The maximum number of Virtual Circuits allowed
                for  this  interface.   Usually dictated by the
                Frame Relay network.

                In response to a SET, if a value less than zero
                or  higher  than the agent's maximal capability
                is configured, the agent  should  respond  bad-
            ::= { frDlcmiEntry 9 }

         frDlcmiMulticast OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER {
                         nonBroadcast (1),
                         broadcast (2)
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "This indicates whether the Frame Relay  inter-
                face is using a multicast service."
            ::= { frDlcmiEntry 10 }

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

     -- A Frame Relay service is a multiplexing service.  Data
     -- Link Connection Identifiers enumerate virtual circuits
     -- (permanent or dynamic) which are layered onto the underlying
     -- circuit, represented by ifEntry.  Therefore, each of the entries
     -- in the Standard MIB's Interface Table with an IfType of
     -- Frame Relay represents a Q.922 interface.  Zero or more
     -- virtual circuits are layered onto this interface and provide
     -- interconnection with various remote destinations.
     -- Each such virtual circuit is represented by an entry in the
     -- circuit table.

     --   Circuit Table

     -- The table describing the use of the DLCIs attached to
     -- each Frame Relay Interface.

     frCircuitTable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF FrCircuitEntry
         ACCESS   not-accessible
         STATUS   mandatory
            "A table containing information about specific Data
            Link Connection Identifiers and corresponding virtual
         ::= { frame-relay 2 }

         frCircuitEntry OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   FrCircuitEntry
             ACCESS   not-accessible
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The information regarding a single  Data  Link
                Connection Identifier."
            INDEX { frCircuitIfIndex, frCircuitDlci }
            ::= { frCircuitTable 1 }

         FrCircuitEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {

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         frCircuitIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Index
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The ifIndex Value of the ifEntry this  virtual
                circuit is layered onto."
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 1 }

         frCircuitDlci OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   DLCI
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The Data Link Connection Identifier  for  this
                virtual circuit."
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.618-1991,
               Section 3.3.6"
           ::= { frCircuitEntry 2 }

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

         frCircuitState OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER {
                         invalid (1),
                         active (2),
                         inactive (3)
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "Indicates whether the particular virtual  cir-
                cuit  is operational.  In the absence of a Data
                Link Connection Management  Interface,  virtual
                circuit  entries  (rows) may be created by set-
                ting virtual  circuit  state  to  'active',  or
                deleted by changing Circuit state to 'invalid'.
                Whether or not the row actually  disappears  is
                left  to the implementation, so this object may
                actually read as 'invalid' for  some  arbitrary
                length  of  time.   It is also legal to set the
                state of a virtual  circuit  to  'inactive'  to
                temporarily disable a given circuit."
            DEFVAL { active }
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 3 }

         frCircuitReceivedFECNs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Counter
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "Number of frames received from the network in-
                dicating  forward  congestion since the virtual
                circuit was created."
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.618-1991,
               Section 3.3.3"
           ::= { frCircuitEntry 4 }

         frCircuitReceivedBECNs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Counter
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "Number of frames received from the network in-
                dicating  backward congestion since the virtual
                circuit was created."

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.618-1991,
               Section 3.3.4"
           ::= { frCircuitEntry 5 }

         frCircuitSentFrames OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Counter
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The number of frames sent  from  this  virtual
                circuit since it was created."
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 6 }

         frCircuitSentOctets OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Counter
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The number of octets sent  from  this  virtual
                circuit since it was created."
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 7 }

         frCircuitReceivedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Counter
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "Number of frames received  over  this  virtual
                circuit since it was created."
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 8 }

         frCircuitReceivedOctets OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Counter
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "Number of octets received  over  this  virtual
                circuit since it was created."
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 9 }

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

         frCircuitCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   TimeTicks
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The value of sysUpTime when the  virtual  cir-
                cuit was created, whether by the Data Link Con-
                nection Management Interface  or  by  a  SetRe-
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 10 }

         frCircuitLastTimeChange OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   TimeTicks
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The value of sysUpTime when last there  was  a
                change in the virtual circuit state"
            ::= { frCircuitEntry 11 }

         frCircuitCommittedBurst OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "This variable indicates the maximum amount  of
                data,  in  bits,  that  the  network  agrees to
                transfer under normal  conditions,  during  the
                measurement interval."
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.617-1991,
               Section 6.5.19"
           DEFVAL   { 0 }  -- the default indicates no commitment
           ::= { frCircuitEntry 12 }

         frCircuitExcessBurst OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "This variable indicates the maximum amount  of
                uncommitted data bits that the network will at-

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

                tempt to deliver over the measurement interval.

                By default, if not configured when creating the
                entry, the Excess Information Burst Size is set
                to the value of ifSpeed."
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.617-1991,
               Section 6.5.19"
                   ::= { frCircuitEntry 13 }

         frCircuitThroughput OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER
             ACCESS   read-write
             STATUS   mandatory
                "Throughput is the average number of 'Frame Re-
                lay  Information  Field'  bits  transferred per
                second across a user network interface  in  one
                direction, measured over the measurement inter-

                If the  configured  committed  burst  rate  and
                throughput  are  both non-zero, the measurement

                If the  configured  committed  burst  rate  and
                throughput  are  both zero, the measurement in-
               "Draft American National  Standard  T1.617-1991,
               Section 6.5.19"
           DEFVAL {0}  -- the default value of Throughput is
                       -- "no commitment".
           ::= { frCircuitEntry 14 }

     --  Error Table

     -- The table describing errors encountered on each Frame
     -- Relay Interface.

     frErrTable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF FrErrEntry
         ACCESS   not-accessible

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

         STATUS   mandatory
            "A table containing information about Errors on the
            Frame Relay interface."
         ::= { frame-relay 3 }

         frErrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   FrErrEntry
             ACCESS   not-accessible
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The error information for a single frame relay
            INDEX { frErrIfIndex }
            ::= { frErrTable 1 }

         FrErrEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
                     OCTET STRING,

         frErrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   Index
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The ifIndex Value of the  corresponding  ifEn-
            ::= { frErrEntry 1 }

         frErrType OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   INTEGER {

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The type of error that was last seen  on  this
            ::= { frErrEntry 2 }

         frErrData OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   OCTET STRING
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "An octet string containing as much of the  er-
                ror  packet as possible.  As a minimum, it must
                contain the Q.922 Address or  as  much  as  was
                delivered.   It is desirable to include all in-
                formation up to the PDU."
            ::= { frErrEntry 3 }

         frErrTime OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX   TimeTicks
             ACCESS   read-only
             STATUS   mandatory
                "The value of sysUpTime at which the error  was
            ::= { frErrEntry 4 }

         -- Frame Relay Globals

         frame-relay-globals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frame-relay 4 }

         frTrapState OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
             ACCESS   read-write

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

             STATUS   mandatory
                "This variable  indicates  whether  the  system
                produces the frDLCIStatusChange trap."
            DEFVAL { disabled }
            ::= { frame-relay-globals 1 }

         --  Data Link Connection Management Interface Related Traps

         frDLCIStatusChange TRAP-TYPE
             ENTERPRISE frame-relay
             VARIABLES  { frCircuitIfIndex, frCircuitDlci, frCircuitState }
                "This trap indicates that the indicated Virtual
                Circuit  has changed state.  It has either been
                created or invalidated, or has toggled  between
                the active and inactive states."
             ::= 1


5.  Acknowledgements

   This document was produced by the IP Over Large Public Data Networks
   (IPLPDN) Working Group.

   The following people provided additional comments and suggestions:
   Art Berggreen of Advanced Computer Communications, and Jim Philippou
   of Xyplex Communications.

6.  References

   [1] Cerf, V., "IAB Recommendations for the Development of Internet
       Network Management Standards", RFC 1052, NRI, April 1988.

   [2] Cerf, V., "Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review
       Group", RFC 1109, NRI, August 1989.

   [3] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
       Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1155,
       Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May 1990.

   [4] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
       Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes
       LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

   [5] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
       Network Management Protocol", RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
       Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
       International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.

   [6] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information Base
       for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1213,
       Performance Systems International, March 1991.

   [7] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
       International Organization for Standardization, International
       Standard 8824, December 1987.

   [8] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One
       (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization,
       International Standard 8825, December 1987.

   [9] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions",
       RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems,
       March 1991.

  [10] Rose, M., Editor, "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with
       the SNMP", RFC 1215, Performance Systems International, March

7.  Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

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RFC 1315                  Frame Relay DTE MIB                 April 1992

8. Authors' Addresses

   Caralyn Brown
   Wellfleet Communications, Inc.
   15 Crosby Drive
   Bedford, Massachusetts  01730

   Phone: (617) 275-2400
   EMail: cbrown@wellfleet.com

   Fred Baker
   Advanced Computer Communications
   315 Bollay Drive
   Sannta Barbara, California  93117

   Phone: (805) 685-4455
   EMail: fbaker@acc.com

   Charles Carvalho
   Advanced Computer Communications
   315 Bollay Drive
   Sannta Barbara, California  93117

   Phone: (805) 685-4455
   EMail: charles@acc.com

Brown, Baker & Carvalho                                        [Page 19]


  [Chaos CD]
[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1300 - 1399]    RFC 1315: Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs
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